How To Lose Belly Fat For Men In 1 Month

How To Lose Belly Fat For Men In 1 Month

Photo Courtesy: Aja Koska/E+/Getty Images

It is possible to lose stubborn belly fat, but you may need to go about it in more than one way. On their own, diet alterations or exercise might not be enough. Instead, you have a better chance of burning belly fat successfully by increasing the amount and intensity of your exercise routine; cutting excess sugar from your diet; and ensuring that you get enough sleep at night. Although these changes can target belly fat specifically, they can also help you lose weight overall.

Exercise can help reduce belly fat, which is sometimes referred to as visceral fat. However, you cannot target belly fat with a specific exercise; rather, you simply need to burn more calories than you take in.

Photo Courtesy: Anupam Mahapatra/Unsplash

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 30 minutes of moderately vigorous exercise at least five times a week. That's a total of 150 minutes per week. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take up running or renew your gym membership. In fact, incorporating a brisk walk or bicycle ride into your day are good places to start. Changing your habits in small ways, like parking further away from your office or opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, can help reshape your lifestyle.

However, if you enjoy going for a jog, it is important to note that running (or other vigorous exercise) for 25 minutes a day at least three days per week can yield similar results in half the amount of time. The general rule is that the harder you exercise, the quicker you'll chip away at that visceral fat.

And don't forget strength training: Try to get at least two sessions in per week of strength training using either free weights or machines. According to the lead author of a 2018 study in the journal Cell Metabolism, "regular exercise training reduces abdominal fat mass and thereby potentially also the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases."

Watch Your Diet

You don't have to change your diet drastically to cut down on belly fat. In particular, cutting back on your daily sugar consumption can reduce belly fat, even if you start by reducing sugary beverages.

Photo Courtesy: Travis Yewell/Unsplash

Sugar increases belly fat — even when it's coming from fruit juice. This is because the juicing process removes fiber and leaves just the sugar behind. Soluble fiber can reduce belly fat, which is why you should opt for whole fruits instead of juice. Eliminating sugary drinks, such as sodas, can also decrease belly fat. Replace that can of soda with a glass of water and reap numerous benefits. Additionally, try replacing a high-fat, sweetened dessert with an assortment of your favorite fresh berries.

For your belly's sake, focus on reducing carbs more than just counting calories or fat. Research suggests that incorporating monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oils, olives, nuts, and avocados, can help fight belly fat.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the experts at the American Heart Association agree that the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in "good" fats, can help lose weight and keep belly fat at bay. These foods are often higher in unsaturated fats, and they're also lower in calories and rich in nutrients. The Mediterranean diet largely consists of legumes, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables — and derives most of its healthy fats from food sources like olive oil, fish, and nuts. Aside from potentially helping to reduce belly fat, this type of diet can also lower the risk of heart disease.

Monitor Your Sleep

Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can cause abdominal fat to accumulate, especially in younger individuals. According to the Sleep Foundation, researchers have discovered that getting even an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. The study in question showed that those who slept less than 5 hours per night were more likely to gain abdominal fat over a 5-year period compared with those who slept 6 or 7 hours each night.

Photo Courtesy: Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Additionally, a 2019 study published in the journal Medicine showed that adults and children who got less sleep were more likely to be obese or overweight. These folks were also more likely to exhibit disordered eating behaviors and experience metabolic changes and a decrease in physical activity.

Stay Active Beyond Working Out

Staying active doesn't necessarily mean working out. Taking small breaks during the day can be crucial, especially if you sit for a large portion of the day. Research has shown a direct correlation between sitting for prolonged periods ― 30 minutes or longer ― and an increased risk of health problems, including obesity.

Photo Courtesy: Roman Bintang/Unsplash

A 2017 study in the Annals of Human Biology showed that participants who sat for at least eight hours a day had 62% higher odds of obesity compared to those who sat for less than four hours a day. If your job involves sitting at your desk for eight hours a day, set a timer and get up for a few minutes every hour. This could involve taking a short walk, refilling your water glass, or simply standing and stretching. As an added bonus, this helps refresh your brain.

Resource Links:

  • "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • "Taking Aim at Belly Fat" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Women's Health" via Mayo Clinic
  • "Effect of diet with or without exercise on abdominal fat in postmenopausal women – a randomized trial" via BMC Public Health
  • "8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life" via John Hopkins Medicine
  • "Abdominal fat and what to do about it" via Harvard School of Medicine, Harvard University
  • "Soluble fiber strikes a blow to belly fat" via Science Daily
  • "How Do Monounsaturated Fats Help You to Lose Belly Fat?" via LiveStrong
  • "Factors Associated with Visceral Fat Loss in Response to a Multifaceted Weight Loss Intervention" via U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • "How exercise reduces belly fat in humans" via Science Daily
  • "Exercise-Induced Changes in Visceral Adipose Tissue Mass Are Regulated by IL-6 Signaling: A Randomized Controlled Trial" via Clinical and Translational Report (Cell Metabolism)
  • "What is the Mediterranean Diet?" via American Heart Association
  • "Sitting time and obesity in a sample of adults from Europe and the USA" via Annals of Human Biology
  • "Diet and Exercise and Sleep" via Sleep Foundation
  • "Assessment of sleep and obesity in adults and children" via U.S. National Library of Medicine


How To Lose Belly Fat For Men In 1 Month



Samples & Templates Of Branding Naming Copies

Samples & Templates Of Branding Naming Copies

How to choose a product name or pick your brand name using our frameworks, study templates, spreadsheets & scripts

Luke Freeman

Data Driven Decisions

Baby Name MemeNaming is difficult. For most brands, products, organisations, programs, and even children – people will agonise over a suitable name for quite a while. We've probably all had that experience where we feel like we've finally found the perfect name and then fall into a pit of sorrow when we realise it has a fatal flaw and we're back to the drawing board.

That time, effort, and often agony isn't misplaced:

"When you name something, it anchors it in people's minds. The name and the thing are then forever connected. It creates brand recognition."
– Brandwatch

Sometimes people are lucky, sometimes a name is sitting there ready for the taking, sometimes people have names before they even have a product. But for most of us branding often costs… and it can cost a lot – whether it be time, mental space or the money it costs to get an agency involved (Exxon spent $100 million for their brand name).

We've recently been through the process of naming our own product as well as helped other products through the process too. In this post we'll share what we've learned and the steps that have worked for us.

As it turns out, the process is not all that dissimilar to panning for gold…

The (Gold Panning) Naming Process:

  • Step 1. Pick your territory
  • Step 2. Fill the pan
  • Step 3. Stir the pan
  • Step 4. Sift the pan
  • Step 5. Score the nuggets
  • Step 6. Pick your winner

The Iterative Research Process

This article has a lot of references to Positly for participant recruitment, Google Sheets for analysing results and GuidedTrack for building activities. They are all easy to use and incredibly useful so if you haven't yet signed up for these services I recommend you do so now so you can follow along, look at the examples and templates.

Iterative Research Process

Iterative Research Process

Throughout the course of this article you'll follow the iterative research process of designing your research, building your studies (we recommend using Guided Track), delivering the study to participants (we recommend you use Positly) and analysing results (we recommend Google Sheets for this study).

Each time you go through the cycle you'll narrow in on the right answer to your research question – in the case of this article, it's what name is right for you!

Step 1. Pick your territory

When you're panning for gold or picking names, you need to have a good lay of the land, you need to know what you're looking for.

The first step in the process is deciding on what attributes you care about and what territory you'll explore.

Every brand has different needs when it comes to the name. Also, founders and staff generally have different preferences. Before getting started I encourage you to articulate the attributes you want in the name.

These attributes could be very specific such as "it must include the word 'blockchain' so we can get 10x investment!" or they could be more general such as "needs to be available as .com".

You will use these later to limit the search space and to score each name.

Here are the attributes we chose when we were searching for our name:

  • Available (or inexpensive) as .com (and most social media)
  • Trademarkable (not too descriptive, not taken already in the industry)
  • Distinct (not similar to other brands)
  • Meaningful (have at least some relevant meaning)
  • Memorable (not easily substituted for analogous abstract concepts e.g. General Motors could be mistaken for Common Engines)
  • Scalable (allow us to expand into different product lines, markets or geographies)
  • Short (easy to brand, easy type, few syllables, easy to fit on materials)
  • Positive affect (reminds people of nice things, not bad things)
  • Good for SEO (doesn't use competitive terms, no negative history)
  • Easy to pronounce (not easily mistaken)

Brand Name Criteria

Brand Name Criteria

In Chiranjeev Kohli's 1997 paper on brand considerations he outlined the criteria on which industry professionals typically test for in brand names:

There are many affective attributes that are important such as how much they like the name, enjoy saying it, find it memorable or distinct. There are many things written on name attributes but the two resources I recommend are the Chiranjeev Kohli study in the above table and the Golden Rules from Brandwatch.

Here's some of the affective attributes we commonly recommend scoring on:

  • likeable
  • positive
  • easy to remember
  • easy to say
  • meaningful
  • distinct or unique
  • free from negative connotations
  • relevant to the product category
  • relevant to the product description

The Territory

Once you know what you're looking for, you'll need to know where to find it!

For exploring the territory I recommend Nick Kolenda's framework* of name types.

Types of Brand Names (Nick Kolenda)

Types of Brand Names (Nick Kolenda)

According to his framework, names typically fall into one of the following categories:

  • Descriptive (relevant words)
    • e.g. General Motors, Electronic Arts, Sydney Theatre Company
  • Associative (relevant non-words)
    • e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Microsoft
  • Deviant (irrelevant words)
    • e.g. Apple, Amazon, Pandora
  • Neologistic (irrelevant non-words)
    • e.g. Exxon, Spotify, Kodak

Like many companies we initially started off with descriptive names, in fact we went through two descriptive names ("Participant Recruiter" and "Task Recruiter") while the product was an internal tool and in an early beta.

We found that these are (a) probably the most problematic names (unavailable, hard to trademark, surprisingly hard to remember) and (b) the names people suggested and instinctively preferred more often (when you're an unknown quantity).

Our early names had already caused us trouble so we finally bit the bullet to try again, we naturally started by looking into descriptive names again. After finding that so many of them were already taken or very unsuitable we discovered this article and from that point on we were fairly sure that if we kept going down that avenue they wouldn't tick enough boxes for us, especially after this suggestion:

"In the end, any type of name can work. One type isn't better than another. You simply need to weigh the importance of each factor. However, I do have one universal suggestion. You should always avoid the extreme top-right of the scatterplot [very descriptive words]."

After realising that descriptive names were probably out of the question we started exploring our other options.

We moved onto neologistic names (like Exxon) for a while and discovered that they can be difficult to come up with and they would take a lot of effort to get into people's memory and so many of the short and pronounceable ones were already taken. The internet ran out of 4 letter .com domains in 2013 and most pronounceable 5 letter ones are already gone too!

Then we looked at deviant names (like Apple). These are great because they are words that people are already familiar with and they may often be trademarkable within your industry. However, after we searched roughly 20,000 thousand English words for dot com availability we found that few of them are available for the type of money an early stage business would be willing to spend.

So that left us with associative names (like Microsoft). We decided to focus our search space on associative names because we felt they ticked the most boxes for us.

Step 2. Fill the pan

Once we knew what we were looking for we needed to generate a bunch of relevant words that related to the brand, these would become the building blocks for new names. We took a few approaches that ranged from brainstorming them ourselves, asking people on social media and running studies on our own platform (that is what we do after all!).

We built a simple Guided Track program so that people could be given a description of the product and then asked to generate as many relevant nouns as they could followed by as many benefits as they could. We also ask them to include associative words such as "cheetah" or "falcon" for "fast" as these can also be helpful later when naming.

Before asking participants about what words came to mind I recommend properly describing the product, a product description page like this one can be worth including prior to the main activity.

Here's the Product Word Generation templates we have built based on the studies we've conducted – they're yours to customise for your own studies, completely free:

  • Template Program: demo, customise
  • Example Program: preview, copy
  • Analysis Spreadsheet: preview, copy

Product Brand Word Generation Code

Product Word Generation Code

Have a look at the code of my example program (above). You can see that all I have done to customise it is to set the attributes for my product and added in some extra programs that I wanted (e.g. a Transparent Screener program and the Product Description program).

It's really that simple! It takes only a few minutes to get started. I've even built a customisation program that you can use to get started.

Once you've customised the program you can start getting data from participants by firing up Positly, creating a new run and pasting a link to the program as your activity link. You'll have data coming in within minutes.

Step 3. Stir the pan

Once you have your base words you can try mixing them up to create potential names.

In the case of associative names this is done by blending them, adding prefixes, adding suffixes, removing letters, replacing letters, creating homophones, translating them to other languages and any relevant technique.

Check out this example from Nick Kolenda's blog (the example is a calculator):

Associative Names

Associative Names

We have built some Google Sheet tools for you so that you can plug in your own words and start generating brand names!

  • Word Matrix Matrices (for prefix, suffix and blends)
  • Word Translations (for trying other languages)

I also recommend using these two websites to merge and combine words:

  • Mergewords
  • Word Unscrambler's Word Combiner

After this step it is quite likely you'll have thousands (if you want that many!) of names and a reasonable percentage of these may be little nuggets of gold. The next step will be to sift the pan for those nuggets.

Product Word Matrix Product Word Suffix Matrix Word Translation Spreadsheet

Step 4. Sift the pan

Now that your pan is full of a whole lot of dirt with hidden nuggets you'll need to sift through it to find those nuggets, once you've sifted them out you can put to the test.

I recommend just scrolling through them all quickly and marking any ones that grab your eye and putting them all into a list. Try to pick only ones with decent potential as the next step will work best with fewer than 200 names, ideally less than 50 (there's really no limit to how many names you could start with – it'd just take a lot of rounds of naming with participants).

Once you have your big list I recommend doing a Batch Pick study (see templates below) in which the names are broken into batches and the participants can pick their favourite from each batch. If you have a very large list you may want to have larger batches and enable a checkbox instead of a single select (simply set the parameter multi to anything).

Before going straight in and asking users about names, you may want to prime them to think about good names and perhaps set up a scenario first.

You can use these Naming Batch Pick templates to build your own studies and analysis:

  • Template Program: demo, customise
  • Example Program: preview, copy
  • Analysis Spreadsheet: preview, copy

Batch Pick Naming Analysis Batch Pick Naming Code

As you can see in the example program, all I have done to customise it is to set the attributes for my product and added in some extra programs that I wanted such (e.g. the Naming Scenario program).

If you want help customising your program, try the customisation program or feel free to get in touch.

Step 5. Score the nuggets

At this stage I'd recommend using our scorecard template (preview, copy) and taking the following steps:

  1. Remove names that are too similar (lest they split the vote)
  2. Check the domain name availability (.com and other relevant ones)
  3. Check the trademark availability (in your industry and in general)
  4. Give every name a score of your own on each attribute

Brand Naming Scorecard

These steps should help narrow it down to your top 5 or so names.

You're on the home stretch, you have a few names that seem reasonably good but you really need to look at how they make people feel and how well the perform on the attributes that are important to you.

We normally use a Likert Scale to test how strongly a participant agrees or disagrees with the statement in the format "brand is attribute" ( e.g. "General Motors is easy to remember").

For this part of the process each name will be scored on each attribute. Because the total number of attributes will be asked for each brand name it means that the number of questions will grow significantly if you have more brands or attributes. Therefore, at this point in the process you want to have at most 5-6 names and 5-6 attributes to prevent the number of questions blowing out.

You can use these Naming Attributes Scoring templates to build your own studies and analysis:

  • Template Program: demo, customise
  • Example Program: preview, copy
  • Analysis Template: preview, copy

Naming Attributes Scoring Analysis Naming Attributes Scoring Template

To customise the program, all that's needed it is to set the attributes for my product and as you can see in the example program.

In this example I also opted to add in some extra programs that I wanted such as a Name Priming program and another one that asked about the Name Connotations.

If you want help customising your program, try the customisation program or feel free to get in touch.

Step 6. Pick your winner

By now you may have a clear winner… if you do, then this GIF is in order:

Winning Animated GIF: Fireworks, Cheers with Leonardo DiCaprio

Unfortunately, in many cases you'll be stuck with a near tie between 2 or 3.

To break the tie you'll need to be clear on where the ambiguity is coming from. I suggest sitting down with your team and talking about this, you may need to apply a weighting to some of your attributes (e.g. "distinctiveness" may be twice as important as "easy to say") or run some of the studies again with fewer names (the higher performing ones).

For us, we had a very close tie that was only finally broken by doing a straight head to head comparison between two names with 400 participants until we reached statistical significance.

The Batch Pick naming program can easily be customised and combined with other programs to help decide on the final two or three names. In this example program all I do is set the batches to 1 and the batch_size to 2 and "viola!" we have a study that we can implement to break that tie.

Yay! Now what?

Congratulations! You've survived a difficult and often heart-wrenching process that's full of ambiguity and covers both squishy human feelings and hard analytical approaches. At the end of this process you should have a name that you can feel much more confident about.

The next step will be to develop your brand and pricing models. Just like naming, you can be a little bit more scientific about them both than simple guesswork. You can look to best practices and then run your own studies every step of the process.

If you would like help with your naming studies, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

If you have any questions, suggestions, feedback or experiences to share, please join in on the comments below. Feel free to subscribe to get notified of future updates to this blog.

Want some further reading? I recommend these three articles that were referenced earlier in this post: How to Name a Product: A Step-By-Step Walkthrough,  Creating effective brand names: A study of the naming process and How to Name a Product: 5 Golden Rules we Follow.

writen by:

Luke Freeman

Luke is the CEO of Positly, which aims to dramatically improve the speed, quality and affordability of social science, product, and human subject research.

Samples & Templates Of Branding Naming Copies



Brand Manual Templates Indesign

Brand Manual Templates Indesign

40+ Best Brand Manual & Style Guide Templates 2022 (Free + Premium)

Your brand is the key to a successful business. It's what gives your business an identity and separates you from the competition. Your brand manual or style guide are the documents you need to help keep it consistent—they're key to maintaining your brand identity.

Whether you're a small business, agency, or a corporation, you should have a proper document that covers all the details of the brand. Such as the design of different logos you use, the color palette, fonts used for the brand design, etc.

Think about when you hire a third-party agency to run an ad campaign. To help them avoid misrepresenting your brand, you hand them your brand manual and style guide. So they can present your brand more accurately through the campaign.

If you're working on a brand manual for your own business, these brand style guide templates will help you put together a more useful and professional document without an effort.

Elegant Brand & Product Manual Template

Modern Brand & Product Manual Template

This beautiful and modern brochure template is designed for crafting both product manuals and brand manuals. It comes with a stylish color theme that mixes both dark and light colors. The template features 20 unique page layouts in A4 and US Letter sizes. It's compatible with InDesign and MS Word.

Professional Brand Manual Template

Professional Brand Manual Template

An elegant brand manual template you can use to design a professional brochure to showcase your brand identity and elements. This template is available in InDesign INDD and IDML file formats. It includes 20 page layouts with formatting and paragraph styles.

Minimal Brand Guidelines Manual Template

Minimal Brand Guidelines Manual Template

You can use this brand guideline manual template to create a brochure with a minimal and clean look. It features 20 page layouts in A4 size. The template can be easily customized to your preference using Adobe CS4 and higher.

Modern Brand Manual Template

Modern Brand Manual Template

It takes a lot of work to design a beautiful brand manual that showcases your brand guidelines more effectively. But, with this template, you'll be able to do it without needing expert design skills. This template features 20 unique pages in A4 and US Letter size. You can use them to create a detailed brand manual. It's available in InDesign format.

Brand Guideline Template for Startup & Agency

Brand Guideline for Startup & Agency

This brochure template design shows off professionalism in every way. It has a clean and stylish design with perfectly balanced formatting to showcase your brand. The template has 20-page layouts in A4 and US Letter sizes.

Metricss Brand Manual Template

Brand Manual

For a minimal yet eye-catching brand manual, the Metricss template is well worth checking out. Designed for creative businesses, this InDesign template strikes a perfect balance between modern and professional. We recommend you give this template a shot or add it to your shortlist at the very least.

Brand Guideline Template for InDesign

Brand Manual

Next up is a remarkably unique template for creating a brand manual that instantly catches the eye. It features an effortlessly stylish design that can be tweaked to suit your requirements using Adobe InDesign. Certainly, one of our favorite options when it comes to the best brand manual, and style guide templates.

Modern Brand Style Guide Layout Template

Modern Brand Style Guide Layout

Another professional brand style guide template with all the right page layouts for crafting the perfect style guide for modern businesses. This template comes in InDesign file format with fully customizable design elements.

Free Brand Book Manual Template

Free Brand Book Manual Template

This brand manual template features a landscape design. It's easily customizable and editable to your preference. The free version of the template only includes 8 page layouts. But it's enough for creating a basic brand guide.

Business & Professional Brand Manual Template

Business & Professional Brand Manual Template

This brand manual template comes in multiple file formats, allowing you to edit and customize it using your favorite app. It's available in InDesign, Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher, and Affinity Photo formats. The layouts come in A4 and US Letter sizes.

Elegant Brand Style Guide Layout Template

Elegant Brand Style Guide Layout Template

If you're working on a style guide for a luxury or high-end brand, this template is made just for you. It features an elegant page design you can use to craft a brand style guide with a professional look and feel.

Dark Brand Manual & Guidelines Template

Dark Brand Manual & Guidelines Template

This brand manual template doubles as a brand guideline as well. It comes with a dark and attractive color scheme that makes it perfect for a technology, startup, or design brand. The template includes InDesign and Affinity Publisher file formats.

Simple Brand Guideline Template

Brand Manual

If you are looking for a strictly professional brand manual and style guideline template for your business, this simple and elegant option is an excellent choice. Created for Adobe InDesign, the template can be fully customized to match your vision.

Professional Brand Manual Template

Brand Manual

Another minimalistic option, this template is a solid contender for your cash. It features a clean, minimal design perfectly suited to a wide range of businesses, and industries. We really like this beautiful template, and you will too.

Stylish Brand Manual & Guideline Template

Brand Manual

Here we have an attention-grabbing template for you to get your hands on. It allows easy customization, ensuring you spend more time preparing the contents of the brand manual, and less time editing it. This stylish template definitely deserves a place on your shortlist.

MANDALA – Brand Manual & Guidelines Template

MANDALA - Brand Manual & Guidelines Template

Looking for a brand manual template with a minimal and clean design? Then be sure to download this template. It features a simple brand manual design that's ideal for a lifestyle or fashion brand. The template includes 30 different page layouts.

Cd Lyfe – Brand Manual Template

Cd Lyfe Brand Manual Template

This colorful brand manual template comes in A4 size. It features 20 page layouts where you can effectively showcase your brand design. You can customize it to change colors, fonts, and images in just a few clicks as well.

Latvia – Lifestyle Brand Guidelines Template

Latvia - Lifestyle Brand Guidelines Template

A beautiful brand guidelines template for lifestyle brands. This template includes 40 different page layouts in A4 and US Letter sizes. It also features 2 cover designs you can customize to your preference.

Free Brand Identity Guideline Template

Free Brand Identity Guideline Template

A great free brand identity template you can also use to craft brand manuals. This template comes with 46 unique page layouts in A4 and US Letter size. The template is also available in Illustrator and InDesign file formats.

Professional Brand Manual Brochure Template

Professional Brand Manual Brochure Template

Most professional brand manuals usually feature very simple designs. Mainly to give more attention to the contents within. This template also has a simple design that highlights your content. It includes 56 unique page layouts with fully customizable designs. You can also edit the template using Adobe InDesign.

Brand Manual Template for Agencies

Brand Manual Template for Agencies

A minimal design is a beautiful design. And that's what makes this brand manual template a great choice for designing brand guidelines book for agencies. The template includes 12 unique page layouts. Enough to highlight the key aspects of the brand. Every page is customizable with InDesign. It includes text and paragraph styles as well.

Brand Style Guide Layout Template

Brand Style Guide Layout Template

The brand manual and style guide has a very close relationship. The style guide, however, emphasizes the design aspect of your brand. Like the colors, fonts, and logo guidelines. This template is made to showcase all those parts of your brand. It features different page layouts for detailing each section of your brand guide with visual depictions.

Sharp Brand Style Guide Template

Sharp Brand Style Guide Template

This is another great template for showcasing brand style guides. It also features unique page layouts for detailing the colors, fonts, shapes, and all the other parts of your brand design. It comes in both US Letter and A4 sizes. And you can edit the template to change the colors and text using InDesign.

Free Brand Identity Guide Template

Free Brand Identity Guide Template

This is a free brand guide template you can use to craft a professional brand manual for your business. The template is completely free to use. It comes with multiple sections for detailing your brand style guides. And you can edit it using Adobe Illustrator.

Free Brand Manual Template

Free Brand Manual Template

Another free brand manual template featuring a clean and minimal design. This template includes several unique page layouts you can easily customize to create your own brand manuals. It comes in InDesign file format.

Multipurpose Brand Manual Poster Template

Multipurpose Brand Manual Poster Template

This one is a different kind of a brand manual template. It's designed as a poster that you can print out. If you want to create a brand manual to showcase in your office or share it as a leaflet, this is perfect for you. The template has multiple page designs that you can download from here. You can edit them using either InDesign or Affinity software.

Creative Brand Manual Template

Creative Brand Manual Template

A very creative and modern brand manual template that features a stylish design. This one is most suitable for creating brand manuals for design and marketing agencies. The template itself comes with 48 unique pages in A4 and US Letter size. You can customize it using InDesign CS4 or higher.

Landscape Brand Guidelines Template

Landscape Brand Guidelines Template

The landscape format of brochures are easier to browse and gives a magazine-like feel to your documents. This template is also designed with a landscape layout. It comes with 28 page designs for crafting a professional brand manual. The template includes text styles, paragraph styles, and editable colors too.

Corporate Brand Manual Template

Corporate Brand Manual Template

Corporate brand manuals need to be designed without too much style but with elegance. This brand manual template comes with the perfect design for creating such brochures. It includes 20 unique page layouts in A4 and US Letter size. It's fully layered so you can easily edit everything to customize the design to your preference.

Minimal & Clean Brand Manual Template

Minimal & Clean Brand Manual Template

Most modern brands these days use minimalist styles. This template is made just for those brands. It also features a very clean and professional design. Every page uses beautiful styling but without using lots of colors and shapes. The template is easily customizable. And it comes in A4 and US Letter size.

30-Page Brand Manual Template

30-Page Brand Manual Template

Featuring a creative and modern design, this brand manual template is most suitable for designing brochures for modern brands, startups, and agencies. The template includes 30 unique page layouts in A4 size. You can also change its text styles and colors however you like.

Free UI & Brand Style Guide Template

Free UI & Brand Style Guide Template

This free template is designed for creating high-quality brand style guides. It includes several stylish pages you can use to showcase and document your brand style elements. The template can be customized with Illustrator or Sketch.

The Harmony – Free Brand Manual Template

The Harmony - Free Brand Manual Template

The harmony is a professionally crafted brand manual template. It features a modern and colorful design that fits many different types of brands. The free version of the template includes 8 page layouts and requires attribution.

Modern & Creative Brand Manual Template

Modern & Creative Brand Manual Template

When used properly, colors can be a great element of representing your brand in a creative way. This template is designed for creating a brand guideline while applying those same elements in the brochure itself. It's fully customizable and works with InDesign CS4 and higher.

Brand Manual Template For Startups

Brand Manual Template For Startups

If you're working on a brand manual for a startup or a modern agency, this template will come in handy. It features a very modern and clean design that will help showcase your brand in a professional way. The template includes 44 unique pages and comes in A4 and US Letter size.

Brand Guideline Landscape Template

Brand Guideline Landscape Template

Another landscape template for brand manuals. This one features a very unique design with a dark color theme. It also includes plenty of pages you can use to highlight your brand style guide as well. The template is available in A4 and US Letter size and works with both older and new versions of InDesign.

Stylish Brand Manual Template

Stylish Brand Manual Template

This brand manual template features a very stylish design. It comes with 40 unique page layouts you can easily customize to personalize the design. And it's compatible with InDesign CS4 and higher. This template is perfect for creative agencies, startups, and businesses.

ReBranding Guidelines Manual Template

ReBranding Guidelines Manual Template

When working on a rebranding, it's important to have a document that captures all the important details of the rebrand. This is a template that allows you to create such a brochure to highlight the important parts of your rebranding. It includes 42 page layouts in A4 and US Letter size.

Free Logo Guidelines Poster Template

Free Logo Guidelines Poster Template

This is a free poster template for showcasing logo guidelines. You can use it to create a basic logo guideline for your brand to showcase the different elements you've used in the logo.

Free Business Guidelines Brochure Template

Free Business Brochure Template

Even though this brochure template is for making business brochures, you can easily customize it to create a stylish brand guidelines brochure for small companies. The template includes 20 page layouts.

Check out our best stationery templates collection to find more useful templates for your business.

Brand Manual Templates Indesign

